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Allow us to introduce the neighbor's Fan Club Audi - Audi Club Piter

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  • Allow us to introduce the neighbor's Fan Club Audi - Audi Club Piter

    Let me greet you, dear Finnish friends, on behalf of Audi Club Pietari!
    We would be very glad to make acquaintance of you for interaction strengthening between admirers of the esteemed mark.
    We are - Audi Club from the neighbor Russian city - St.-Petersburg.
    Here is the reference to our site: http:// www.audipiter.ru/

    It?s also rather interesting for us to learn about some possibility of the organization of a joint meeting of our Clubs.

    Are there among your members the colleagues writing / reading in Russian?
    But it isn't so important at least as we can use English... but unfortunately we don't speak / write in Finnish.

    It was permited and advised by Jani Peltopuro to create the separate thread for consideration of the questions of possible futher interaction of our Clubs.

    We?ll be very grateful for positive reaction and your comments!

    Thanks in advance!
    LEXA & SAM

    With best regards,
    ?Audi Club ?Piter?
    As representative of Audi Club International in Russia

    Greetings from Finland to You too.
    It´s very nice to have foreign interest to our club.
    We have a very well organized club thanks to our devoted board and that leads to large number of enthusiastic members.

    It would be nice to hear more about your club?
    What you do together? What kind of happenings you go/do etc...?


    • #3
      and is it possible to watch your forum in another language than Russia?


      • #4
        What you do together? What kind of happenings you go/do etc...?
        Thanks for your greetings at first!
        Of course we have regular club meeting each month. Except usual planed meetings we arrange additional events together.
        As the last examples – visit of Audi Museum in Ingolstadt, trip to our neighbours Audi Club Belarus, organization of Audi Evolution Parade with collection of model range of Audi by years of production, etc.
        Now we would also like to consider the possibility of organizing a collective visit to Finland…
        and is it possible to watch your forum in another language than Russian?
        I’ll check up this matter with our moderators… But I’m afraid that the Russian is only possible language for watching our forum (the same is with yours one but in Finnish, by the way ;) )


          Добро пожаловать в мою пользу!

          Я не говорю на русском, но я могу использовать программу Google переводчик



          • #6
            Sam, could you tell us did Google translate work ok? I guess that Sabotaasi used it :D


              We welcome our neighbours with open arms!

              And hey, I almost understood the above russian text without any help of google translate or dictionary :) At least the part "I dont' speak russian" and something like "but I can use the Google to translate"... And from the first line the first word is "good". I've heard the second word, but don't remember the meaning of it. There's also a chance, that I didn't understand anything at all :)

              My russian skills are unfortunately limited to one basic course in university (of which I have almost forgot everything) and to list of words learned in childhood :) I always intend to take more courses, but it's so easy to just "take them the next year"...

              We can use the Google translate to translate your webpage to english "on-the-fly". Depending on the architecture of your webpage, it eather works excellently or modestly.

              I'd already like to thank you and other russian car enthusiast clubs for providing some excellent programs, service manuals, schematics and everything else that are hard to find. Guys, your sites are true treasure chests!
              Viimeksi muokannut jasso; 8.11.2010, 00:05.


                We had a few guests from Estonian Audi Club at our summer main event this year in Ahvenisto. It would be exiting to meet even more foreing enthusiasts. Our club has arrenged track events in Gotland Ring (was it?) and Nürburgring, wonder if it could be done in Russia as well..?


                • #9
                  Hello Sam. Nice to see that there are car enthusiasts. I'm planing to pay a visit in St Petersburg at december this year.


                  • #10
                    Sam, could you tell us did Google translate work ok? I guess that Sabotaasi used it
                    It's just the only way to translate from Finnish into Russian. Cause our vocabulary in Finnish is: ?Terve poika? ja ?Kiitos? :-)
                    But Google translator rather funny thing ? it translates incorrectly with grammar mistakes (as I can sure using RU-ENG version) + it?s hard to catch slang for example + it tries to translate nick names ;-) So, it?s easier for me to print English w/o any translators?

                    Many thanks to all of you for interest to our club and warm welcome us!
                    We would be vary glad if we can really help you in some way.


                      Here is the link for ACP to Finnish.
                      And here is ACF to Russia


                      • #12
                        Privyet. Ya finn, no govoryu nimnoga russkiy yizik. Dobro podzhalovat, Audi-druzya =).
                        Viimeksi muokannut seepra; 9.11.2010, 06:07. Perustelu: Translitterointivirhe ja pilkku puuttui.


                        • #13
                          by the way...
                          Who can say about this regular meeting: Lappeenrannan VAG-miitti on Thursdays twice a month?
                          Is it the meeting of all VAG owners or ACF only?
                          Does ACF have some more regular meetings not far from boarder?


                          • #14
                            The reason of asking is that we would like to come to one of your meetings if there is no objection from you side...


                              Let's meet the clubs? (translate.google)


                              • #16
                                LEXA (aud!club Russia) = he's our chief - the head of Audi Club Piter :)
                                "Mein fuhrer" would like to know about above mentioned visit to Finland in order to plan the time for possible joint meeting...
                                We would be very glad to get your outcome.
                                Viimeksi muokannut Sam_Pietari; 11.11.2010, 23:32.


                                  Audiclub.fi says it's ACF meet in Lappeenranta every odd (like 43, 45, 47 etc.) weeks thursday. Place is ABC Viipurinportti 19:00 at wintertime. I haven't been never in that meeting, just translating from audiclub.fi site.


                                    It's very quiet meeting that one...


                                      Maybe we could arrange bigger meeting with you. I'll be near border at Christmas / New Year time with my family (my parents live in Imatra) and I could join too.


                                        It's not that far from border, where I live and work. I'd be happy to join such a meeting, if the timing is suitable.
                                        There doesn't seem to be any regular meetings near the border, if the Lappeenranta-meet is ruled out. It might bring some action to the event, if it was known to have foreign guests. Allthough, weekend might be more attractive time for a meeting.

