Auto toimii, eikä ajossa huomaa mitään ihmeellisyyksiä. Mitä nyt välillä joutuu kylmänä lähtiessä seisomaan jarrulla kun lyö D sisään(Oletettavasti ryypyn kanssa tekemistä?). Koodit nollattu viikko sitten ja edelleen puskee tuota Address 01 ja 35. Eniten häiritsee tuo Idle control valve. Mistähän mahtaa olla kyse? Jos jostain vakavemmasta hommasta, voisin sen vielä mahdollisesti liikkeen piikkiin saada.
Tuo brake switch hommaa sainkin jo selvitettyä
Tuo brake switch hommaa sainkin jo selvitettyä
VAG-COM Version: Release 409.1-S
Chassis Type: 4D - Audi A8 D2
Scan: 01,02,03,08,15,16,17,35,36,37,45,55,56,65,76
Address 01: Engine
Controller: 4D0 907 557 N
Component: 4.2L V8/4V MOTR AT D01
Coding: 04373
Shop #: WSC 02314
1 Fault Found:
17917 - Idle Control Valve (N71): Electrical Malfunction
P1509 - 35-10 - - - Intermittent
Readiness: N/A
Address 02: Auto Trans
Controller: 4D0 927 156 BK
Component: AG5 01L 4.2l4V S8RdW D06
Coding: 00101
Shop #: WSC 02314
1 Fault Found:
17087 - Brake Switch B Circuit Malfunction
P0703 - 35-00 - -
Address 03: ABS Brakes
Controller: 4D0 907 389
Component: ABS/FDR Allrad D21
Coding: 0265109400
Shop #: BB 34440
No fault code found.
Address 08: Auto HVAC
Controller: 4D0 820 043 K
Coding: 00080
Shop #: WSC 02314
No fault code found.
Skipping Address 15-Airbags
Address 17: Instruments
Controller: 4D0 919 033 AF
Coding: 00183
Shop #: WSC 02314
No fault code found.
Address 35: Centr. Locks
Controller: 8L0 862 257 G
Component: ZV-Pumpe, DWA, Funk D05
Coding: 13130
Shop #: WSC 02314
11 Faults Found:
01367 - Central Locking Pump Run Time Exceeded (Likely Leak)
35-00 - -
01371 - Alarm triggered by Door Contact Switch: Driver's Side
35-00 - -
01372 - Alarm triggered by Door Contact Switch: Passenger Side or Rear
35-00 - -
01374 - Alarm triggered by Terminal 15
35-00 - -
01370 - Alarm triggered by Interior Monitoring
35-00 - -
01369 - Alarm triggered by Hood Switch
35-00 - -
01366 - Opened Due to Crash Signal
35-00 - -
01365 - Lock/Unlock Switch: Interior
29-00 - Short to Ground
00991 - Interior Lights
28-00 - Short to B+
00955 - Key 1
09-00 - Adaptation Limit Surpassed
00956 - Key 2
09-00 - Adaptation Limit Surpassed
Address 45: Inter. Monitor
Controller: 8L0 951 173
Component: Innenraumueberw. D04
Coding: 00001
Shop #: WSC 00000
No fault code found.
Address 55: Xenon Range
Controller: 4B0 907 357
Coding: 00008
Shop #: WSC 02314
No fault code found.
Address 56: Radio
Controller: 4B0 035 186
Component: Radio 0001
Coding: 00205
Shop #: WSC 01196
No fault code found.
End --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Chassis Type: 4D - Audi A8 D2
Scan: 01,02,03,08,15,16,17,35,36,37,45,55,56,65,76
Address 01: Engine
Controller: 4D0 907 557 N
Component: 4.2L V8/4V MOTR AT D01
Coding: 04373
Shop #: WSC 02314
1 Fault Found:
17917 - Idle Control Valve (N71): Electrical Malfunction
P1509 - 35-10 - - - Intermittent
Readiness: N/A
Address 02: Auto Trans
Controller: 4D0 927 156 BK
Component: AG5 01L 4.2l4V S8RdW D06
Coding: 00101
Shop #: WSC 02314
1 Fault Found:
17087 - Brake Switch B Circuit Malfunction
P0703 - 35-00 - -
Address 03: ABS Brakes
Controller: 4D0 907 389
Component: ABS/FDR Allrad D21
Coding: 0265109400
Shop #: BB 34440
No fault code found.
Address 08: Auto HVAC
Controller: 4D0 820 043 K
Coding: 00080
Shop #: WSC 02314
No fault code found.
Skipping Address 15-Airbags
Address 17: Instruments
Controller: 4D0 919 033 AF
Coding: 00183
Shop #: WSC 02314
No fault code found.
Address 35: Centr. Locks
Controller: 8L0 862 257 G
Component: ZV-Pumpe, DWA, Funk D05
Coding: 13130
Shop #: WSC 02314
11 Faults Found:
01367 - Central Locking Pump Run Time Exceeded (Likely Leak)
35-00 - -
01371 - Alarm triggered by Door Contact Switch: Driver's Side
35-00 - -
01372 - Alarm triggered by Door Contact Switch: Passenger Side or Rear
35-00 - -
01374 - Alarm triggered by Terminal 15
35-00 - -
01370 - Alarm triggered by Interior Monitoring
35-00 - -
01369 - Alarm triggered by Hood Switch
35-00 - -
01366 - Opened Due to Crash Signal
35-00 - -
01365 - Lock/Unlock Switch: Interior
29-00 - Short to Ground
00991 - Interior Lights
28-00 - Short to B+
00955 - Key 1
09-00 - Adaptation Limit Surpassed
00956 - Key 2
09-00 - Adaptation Limit Surpassed
Address 45: Inter. Monitor
Controller: 8L0 951 173
Component: Innenraumueberw. D04
Coding: 00001
Shop #: WSC 00000
No fault code found.
Address 55: Xenon Range
Controller: 4B0 907 357
Coding: 00008
Shop #: WSC 02314
No fault code found.
Address 56: Radio
Controller: 4B0 035 186
Component: Radio 0001
Coding: 00205
Shop #: WSC 01196
No fault code found.
End --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------