Pyöränkulmien säätöjen jälkeen itsetehty calibrointi onnistui:
" Start the vehicle.
Turn the steering wheel one turn to the right and one turn to the left.
Drive in a short distance straight line on a level surface at a speed not higher than 20 km/h.
If the steering wheel is straight during the test drive then stop the vehicle with the wheels pointed straight.
Ensure that the steering wheel is not moved again.
Keep the engine running and do not switch off the ignition.
System voltage at least 12.0 V. "
Tuolla tavalla tehtynä hävisi ESP:valo.
" Start the vehicle.
Turn the steering wheel one turn to the right and one turn to the left.
Drive in a short distance straight line on a level surface at a speed not higher than 20 km/h.
If the steering wheel is straight during the test drive then stop the vehicle with the wheels pointed straight.
Ensure that the steering wheel is not moved again.
Keep the engine running and do not switch off the ignition.
System voltage at least 12.0 V. "
Tuolla tavalla tehtynä hävisi ESP:valo.