RossTechin foorumilla suomalainen DjTrinity kommentoi tätä seuraavasti oman autonsa kohdalla, joka siis A4 2011:
I changed the coding from 09C508 to 07C508 from ABS Brakes controller and now I have ESP OFF function.
So short press gives ASR OFF and long press ESP OFF.
However it does not say "ESP OFF" on instruments display, only "warning restricted stability" but it is off.
I just tested it in snowdrifting.
Onkos tätä kokeillut joku tämän foorumin Audi-kuskeista tai VCDS-guruista?
I changed the coding from 09C508 to 07C508 from ABS Brakes controller and now I have ESP OFF function.
So short press gives ASR OFF and long press ESP OFF.
However it does not say "ESP OFF" on instruments display, only "warning restricted stability" but it is off.
I just tested it in snowdrifting.
Onkos tätä kokeillut joku tämän foorumin Audi-kuskeista tai VCDS-guruista?