Jotain tän tyylistä pitäs saada ja nyt kyselenkin mukaan porukkaa. Minun lisäksi mukana on jo 1 tai kaksi tilaajaa. Ostopaikka ei ole vielä tiedossa, mutta ajattelin lähettää tarjouspyyntöä, kun selviää onko täällä halukkaita tilaajia. Eli kyse siis tälläsistä:

TT mk2
*Precise Color Match and OEM Integration -> Seamless integration with interior lighting including auto or manual dimming to match dash brightness.
*Advanced Custom Programming -> Designed and programmed specifically for each car and engine, so you can be sure all features will function as expected.
*Live Performance and Sensor Data -> Instant “as it happens” data display of multiple parameters with virtually no lag or delay.
*Built In Acceleration Performance Timer -> Automatic start and stop 0-60mph (0-100kph) timer for evaluating your car’s performance or your driving skill.*
*Diagnostic Data Interpretation & Reset -> Read and clear diagnostic trouble codes (DTC) to reduce trips to the dealership.
*3x Analog Inputs for High Precision Sensors -> Universal 0-5v inputs for adding additional sensors or switching boost to an analog vacuum tap.
Itselle ehkä tuo P3 Gauge ois parempi, mutta katsotaan mitä mieltä muutkin on. Ei taida edes saada mun TT:hen tota liquid race mittaria...
Ostopaikkoja mm.
Tänne vaan keskustelua ja ilmottautumisia. :)

TT mk2
*Precise Color Match and OEM Integration -> Seamless integration with interior lighting including auto or manual dimming to match dash brightness.
*Advanced Custom Programming -> Designed and programmed specifically for each car and engine, so you can be sure all features will function as expected.
*Live Performance and Sensor Data -> Instant “as it happens” data display of multiple parameters with virtually no lag or delay.
*Built In Acceleration Performance Timer -> Automatic start and stop 0-60mph (0-100kph) timer for evaluating your car’s performance or your driving skill.*
*Diagnostic Data Interpretation & Reset -> Read and clear diagnostic trouble codes (DTC) to reduce trips to the dealership.
*3x Analog Inputs for High Precision Sensors -> Universal 0-5v inputs for adding additional sensors or switching boost to an analog vacuum tap.
Itselle ehkä tuo P3 Gauge ois parempi, mutta katsotaan mitä mieltä muutkin on. Ei taida edes saada mun TT:hen tota liquid race mittaria...
Ostopaikkoja mm.
Tänne vaan keskustelua ja ilmottautumisia. :)